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How Long Does it Take to Recover From Liposuction?

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Liposuction is a popular and effective fat-removal procedure. Many patients want to know how long it takes to recover from liposuction so they can plan accordingly. Knowing what to expect after liposuction surgery can make the process smoother and more manageable. This blog provides a general liposuction recovery timeline and describes key factors that influence the length of liposuction recovery.

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How Long Is Liposuction Recovery?

If you are considering liposuction, especially in anticipation of an event or vacation, you may wonder how long the recovery will take. Liposuction is an outpatient procedure, which means most of your recovery will take place at home. Therefore, your self-care and strict adherence to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions will play a significant role in your recovery.

The primary recovery period for liposuction is typically about six weeks, after which most patients return to the full scope of their normal activities, including exercise. However, it’s important to note that liposuction recovery times vary from patient to patient. Some patients may notice their results as early as three months post-procedure. For others, it can take up to six months or longer for the residual swelling to subside and a year for the final results to be fully apparent.

Liposuction Recovery Timeline

Right After Surgery

Directly after surgery, patients are monitored in the recovery room as they wake up from general anesthesia.

When you are cleared to go home, you will be released to your designated driver. Since you may still be disoriented from the anesthesia, both you and your companion will be given post-operative instructions before leaving. It’s recommended to have someone else manage your medications, especially in the first few days.

Dr. Kao’s patients have the option to stay overnight at the KO’AN Recovery Center, his dedicated post-surgical care facility located within the same building as his surgery center.

Week 1

Patients can expect moderate soreness and discomfort as the anesthesia wears off. It’s important to wear your compression garments day and night, as they dramatically minimize swelling and support your new body shape. Be diligent in properly caring for incision sites and any drains that were placed. If necessary, prescribed pain medication will help manage discomfort.

Rest should be your main focus this week. Arrange for someone to assist with daily tasks, including managing your medication and helping you around the house, particularly if you have children and pets. Additionally, you will be unable to drive until you have recovered some strength and are no longer using prescription medication.

Week 2

Many patients find they are feeling much better throughout this week and discontinue use of medication. Residual numbness or tingling in the treated areas are normal sensations. Compression garments should continue to be worn, though sometimes they are switched out.

After two weeks, most patients can return to work at a desk job or similar sedentary position. However, exercise and strenuous physical activity should remain limited. Rest and relaxation are still crucial during this week, and patients should always listen to their bodies regarding how much rest they need.

Weeks 3–5

Through this period, incisions should be completely healed, and swelling will be substantially reduced.

Most patients can begin light or moderate exercise after week three if their surgeon clears them.

Week 6 and Beyond

The use of compression garments is usually discontinued at this point. Most bruising and swelling should be resolved.

Many patients can resume all of their usual activities at this point, including their regular exercise routine.

What Factors Influence Liposuction Recovery Time?

The general timeline applies to most patients. However, several considerations can affect the rate of your recovery, including the following:

  • Extent of Surgery: Patients with a larger volume of fat cells removed or those with multiple areas treated may experience more swelling and discomfort and a longer recovery time.
  • Surgical Technique: Modern techniques like tumescent liposuction and power-assisted liposuction (PAL) usually have faster recovery times than more traditional methods.
  • Post-operative Care: Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions is important for a smooth recovery. This includes wearing compression garments, keeping every follow-up appointment, and avoiding strenuous activity. This also helps you avoid complications that can lengthen your recovery time or result in undesirable aesthetic outcomes, like contour deformities.
  • Individual Anatomy: Every patient’s body heals at its own pace. Patients in good health tend to recover more quickly, but individual healing is highly variable.
  • Lifestyle Factors: A poor diet, smoking, and lack of exercise can all negatively impact your recovery.

How to Speed Up Liposuction Recovery

Here are a few things patients can do to help speed up the recovery process:

  • Wear your compression garment. Even if they are uncomfortable, compression garments are important. They reduce swelling, improve scar healing, and support your new contours, meaning you can enjoy your final results much sooner.
  • Get plenty of rest. Aim to get 7–8 hours of sleep every night and take naps as needed. Also, avoid strenuous activities, especially in the first few weeks after surgery. When you rest, your body can devote its energy to healing.
  • Stay hydrated and eat healthy. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins and reduces swelling, and hydrated skin is more elastic. Eating healthy foods provides your body with the nutrients it needs to heal.
  • Gentle movement aids healing. Light walking helps prevent blood clots and improves circulation. Start with short walks around your room, and graduate to slightly longer walks outside as you feel better.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol. Both are detrimental to the recovery process. Smoking impairs healing by reducing blood flow. It also increases the risk of blood clots. Alcohol can increase the risk of bleeding, slow wound healing, and interfere with medication.
  • Get lymphatic massages. Manual lymphatic drainage therapy significantly boosts your body’s recovery. This massage technique reduces swelling, flushes surgery by-products, boosts immune function, improves body contours, and much more. Dr. Kao proudly offers his patients lymphatic massage at this Beverly Hills office to support their post-surgical recovery.

Interested in Liposuction in Santa Monica?

If you’re considering liposuction, the best place to start is with a highly qualified and trusted surgeon. Dr. Chia Chi Kao is a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience providing compassionate care and beautiful results to his patients.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kao today to discuss your goals and options. Fill out our online contact form or call (310) 315-9211.

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