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The Multifaceted Uses of Fat

Before and After Buttock ReshapingFor decades, people have been asking why can’t fat from their tummy, hips, or thighs just be moved to somewhere else on their body. It is a cruel trick of nature that we easily develop fat in areas we don’t want it and struggle to achieve attractive volume in others. Luckily, Dr. Kao is a leading expert in the fat transfer procedure, which is designed to relocate fat to improve your overall physique. Dr. Kao’s fat transfer procedure is unique from other doctors and yields lasting results.

What Is Fat Transfer?

Fat transfer is a means of restoring volume to areas of the body using your own fat. Women and men can utilize fat transfer when they have excess stubborn deposits of fat and aren’t interested in adding volume to other areas using synthetic products or when the volume requirement for using fillers is too costly. It is ideal when patients have excess stubborn fat in one area and volume deficit elsewhere. A gentle liposuction technique removes fat from trouble areas such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and back. The extracted fat cells then undergo an extensive purification process. Dr. Kao finally grafts the purified fat into the desired area while making sure to create an even and flawless appearance.

How Is Dr. Kao’s Fat Transfer Unique?

Dr. Kao has developed an extensive purification process designed to preserve only strongest fat cells. A centrifuge breaks down weak fat cells, and a filtration system keeps the healthiest cells. In addition to Dr. Kao’s personal purification process, his complex understanding of anatomy allows him to create the best definition and custom contouring possible.

Where Is Fat Transfer Used?

Fat transfer is the ideal treatment for the three major areas that suffer from volume loss: the face, the breasts, and the buttocks.

  • Facial detailing with regenerative cells is one of the most revolutionary facial enhancement procedures available. This fat transfer process to the face improves the skin’s texture, tone, and vibrancy for full facial rejuvenation.
  • Breast enhancement is best for women who desire the most natural looking and feeling breasts possible. Dr. Kao can shape the breasts to highlight the curvature of your body.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift enhances the size and shape of the buttocks without using implants. Many people feel that implants are obvious in the buttocks, while fat transfer creates the most realistic butt appearance possible.

Benefits of Fat Transfer With Dr. Kao

  • No synthetic products
  • A large volume of fat can be used
  • Minimal, if any, scarring
  • Full body contouring
  • Natural results
  • Custom definition
  • Personalized treatment plans

If you are looking to improve your physique using fat transfer, schedule your consultation with Dr. Kao today. Contact our office at 310-315-9211 or fill out our online contact form for additional information.

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