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What Happens if You Don’t Get Lymphatic Massage After Liposuction?

Closeup of a woman getting a massage on the abdomen.

Every year, liposuction helps thousands achieve a slim, sculpted physique. Proper recovery can enhance results and promote faster healing. This blog will discuss the benefits of lymphatic massage after liposuction and how omitting it might impact recovery and results.

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What Is Lymphatic Massage?

Lymphatic massage, also called manual lymph drainage, is a massage technique that uses specific hand motions and light pressure to stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid. Lymph fluid is responsible for routing waste out of the body, redistributing vital fluids to the bloodstream, carrying nutrients and proteins to cells, absorbing fats, regulating the immune system, and more. After surgery, however, the lymphatic system tends to be overwhelmed and benefits greatly from the assistance of lymphatic massage.

One of the most practical applications of lymphatic massage is treating lymphedema, or lymph fluid buildup in the tissues. Lymphedema commonly develops following any surgery and is characterized by painful swelling and discomfort. Lymphatic massage has proven to be powerfully effective in reducing or eradicating lymphedema symptoms. For this reason alone, it is highly valuable to patients post-surgery.

Can Lymphatic Drainage Massage Improve Liposuction Recovery?

​​Liposuction is known for being minimally invasive, which often leads to a shorter recovery period compared to other plastic surgery procedures. However, patients may still experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort to varying degrees.

Incorporating lymphatic massage into recovery protocols for plastic surgery is highly beneficial. Swelling is extremely common after surgery, and lymphatic massage can accelerate the reduction of swelling, speeding the recovery period. Additionally, lymphatic massage assists the body in efficiently eliminating anesthesia residue, helping patients feel better sooner.

Overall, lymphatic massage significantly enhances the recovery process after liposuction by effectively reducing swelling, facilitating the removal of waste products from the body, and shortening the overall recovery time.

What Happens If You Don’t Get Lymphatic Massage After Liposuction?

Forgoing lymphatic massage after liposuction won’t necessarily hinder your recovery. Liposuction is surgery, after all, and the body needs time to heal regardless of supplemental recovery tools like diet or massage.

That said, lymphatic massage offers many benefits that boost the body’s healing process. Since surgery interrupts the normal function of the lymphatic system, lymphatic drainage massage provides essential support while the body works to recuperate.

Without lymphatic massage, your liposuction recovery may involve the following:

  • Increased Swelling: Without the lymphatic support supplied by manual lymph drainage, post-surgical swelling may persist for longer and be more severe. Not only is this uncomfortable, it also limits mobility and can extend your overall downtime.
  • Lumpy Skin: If lymphatic drainage is impeded, inflammation and fluid buildup can sometimes form lumps and bumps under the skin.
  • Scarring: Lymphatic massage helps with fluid balance, which delivers nutrients and oxygen to the body’s tissues and keeps them soft and malleable. This prevents hard or fibrous scars from developing and promotes better scar formation.
  • Slower Healing: Lymphatic massage helps to boost the immune system and clear toxins, waste, and harmful microorganisms from your tissues. If this process is interrupted, inflammatory or infectious toxins can accumulate and slow healing. Lymphatic massage also encourages blood flow, which keeps the surgical site well-supplied with oxygen, protein, and other nutrients necessary for healing.

Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Ultimately, lymphatic massage is an excellent tool for enhanced recovery. Some of its many benefits include:

  • Digestive Support: Surgery and prescription pain medication can cause digestive activity to become sluggish. Lymphatic massage can help to reduce inflammation, release air and gas, and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, all of which boost healthy digestion.
  • Increased Relaxation: The light, gentle strokes used in lymphatic massage can help relieve tension, stimulate relaxation, lower the heart rate, improve respiration, and support better sleep. Rest, relaxation, and stress relief help the body focus all its energy on healing.
  • Faster Recovery: Manual lymph drainage helps speed recovery by improving circulation and detoxification. The intricate lymphatic system is responsible for many bodily processes, including immunity, inflammatory response, waste removal, and more. Stimulating lymphatic circulation contributes to a faster recovery.
  • Improved Results: Reducing puffiness and swelling and flushing out excess fluid can help encourage the formation of smoother contours, leading to better aesthetic results.

How Does Lymphatic Massage Enhance Liposuction Results?

We’ve established that lymphatic massage significantly enhances the recovery process. These benefits, however, extend to the long-term results of a liposuction procedure. The goal of liposuction is to reduce stubborn fat pockets to reveal a slimmer silhouette. Lymphatic massage further refines the new contours created by liposuction in a number of ways:

Sleek Contours

The reduction of swelling and prevention of fluid collection means you will see your liposuction results sooner. This also decreases the chances of seroma formation, which can lengthen your recovery time and unfavorably affect your results. Additionally, lymphatic drainage massage can break down fat deposits and minimize cellulite, providing sleeker contours than if you were to forego lymphatic massage after surgery.

Smooth Skin

Lymphatic massage stimulates wound healing, preventing the formation of both internal and external fibrosis and scar tissue. Fibrosis is a common liposuction complication and results in a lumpy or uneven skin texture. Ideally, you will have smooth, even contours unaffected by hardened fibrotic tissue. Lymphatic massage breaks down scar tissue and can prevent the necessity for future procedures to correct textural irregularities caused by fibrosis.

Long-Term Benefits

Lymphatic massage can help post-liposuction patients achieve optimal long-term results. Reducing swelling, breaking down subcutaneous fat deposits, and minimizing scar tissue formation contribute to more refined results that patients can enjoy sooner and for longer, protecting the investment they have made in their bodies.

These are just some of the ways lymphatic massage can benefit liposuction recovery and improve patient outcomes. To learn more, schedule a consultation with the Kao Institute today.

Want to Learn More About Liposuction or Lymphatic Massage in Los Angeles?

If you are considering liposuction, it’s vital to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon to ensure the smoothest experience and best results. Dr. Chia Chi Kao is a board-certified plastic surgeon who uses the most advanced techniques to help his patients achieve stunning results. At the Kao Institute, we offer post-surgical lymphatic massage and integrate this therapy with our recovery protocols whenever possible. Fill out our online contact form or call (310) 315-9211 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kao today.

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